Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Introduction to the KPSU Community

Members of the KPSU Radio community are primarily the paid staff members and volunteer DJs. All staff members are required to host radio shows, and in addition to their specialized duties which keep the station functioning, this gives them the strongest ties to the station. Each staff member is essential, and would be missed if they suddenly left, though not entirely irreplaceable. Staff members must be Portland State University students, but DJs include a few community members (non-students or alumni) who are allowed to have shows if they can find underwriting in the form of sponsorship from a business or individual.

Members of the community can also be our listeners, and those who sponsor the station through underwriting, or donating during our annual pledge drive. For the purposes of this Travel Guide, however, I am going to focus on those who directly run the station, that being the staff and DJs.

KPSU is an example of an elective community, one which people choose to join because they want do. Group membership isn't a compulsory part of student life, so anyone who chooses to do more than just come to class likely feels passionate about radio, journalism, music, or some sort of media.

As the infed writer explains in the "Community: A Review of Theory" reading,
interpersonal ties are important in communities, and provide support, a sense of belonging, and contributes to a social identity. KPSU DJ's must undergo rigorous training process before they're given a time slot and show, which ensures that all who take the mic are ready for whatever comes at them. DJ's follow rules, like cleaning up after oneself, and not swearing on-air, and must complete 10 volunteer hours per term helping at events, covering other DJ's shows when they can't make it, and helping out around the station. These expectations help hold DJ's accountable, helping them to feel valued and important to the health of the community. Whether they favor obscure '90s grunge or top 40 hip hop when it comes to their playlists, all community members care about the station, and want it to survive and thrive.

Attached is a map I've drawn of the social network. Staff members with a more direct connection to DJs (strong ties) are connected with a solid line, and weaker ties are indicated with a dotted line.

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